I can hear my FBI Special Agent in Homeland Security Investigations down in Houston right now, “BOY YOU NEED WITSEC.” He’s so right! Back then years ago when he first said it and right now. The U.S. Marshals in Dallas tried to get me into WITSEC from the asshole Iranian exboyfriend the VICE squad his helping and the FBI and US Marshals in San Antonio tried to get me into WITSEC from a CIA Operative the VICE squad is also helping. Lost? History shows that the Iranian exboyfriend doesn’t work on his own, he recruits people in our government to do his dirty work. So here is how it all works downhill. Iran says attack, the Iranian ex-boyfriend either attacks or finds someone else to attack, sometimes his helper is the CIA, other times it’s not someone who appears to be in the government. I told you he was a fucking asshole. Coming over here to the United States and enticing public corruption so my own government turns on me to help his dam government, Iran. If most of the North America would get over their love affair on this asshole ICE might finally be able to get rid of him…meaning deport him. He’s got a deportation judgement to Iran that has not been executed. Apparently ICE can’t deport directly to Iran, they have to use a 3rd world country that gets along with them. Factor in that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world and unfortuantly it looks like we are stuck with his ass in America…while I’m wishing for the alternative. 

     WITSEC, boy that would be helpful. We sure as hell wouldn’t have a lot of the other problems. Fourteen years ago I took a Homeland Security letter to Senator Harry Reid about me and my case to the U.S. Marshals Service at the federal building in Las Vegas. The Deputy standing in the lobby reading the letter about passed out. He read the words on the letter that said, “problems with the Federal Witness Protection Program,” and froze, turned white as a ghost and said, “You’re supposed to be in the Federal Witness Protection Program?” “Whaaaaat!?!?” Right! He had to go sit down on the couch before he fell over. That was the start of the U.S. Marshals Service oversight/a bunch of people not in WITSEC/Criminal Intelligence Branch case…..and 14 years later I’m still under attack…today by the VICE squad. It’s so outrageous. It’s like the TV series on the US Marshals WITSEC program called “In Plain Sight,” says in their show openings….”Since 1970, the U.S. Marshals Service has relocated thousands of witnesses, some criminal, some not, to neighborhoods all throughout the country. One unique attribute that distinguishes them from the rest of the general population is, somebody wants them DEAD.” Can’t say it any more truthful than that. 


I got raped today by the police. I should have anticipated it more so I could thwart if off. Bottom line is, you learn the hard way and now  I’m on red alert for this public corruption method to potentially be used again by someone else. I also reported it to the feds. I’ve got my feds on speed dial because of the Iranian ex-boyfriend. and the 20 year saga of the guy ICE can’t deport, because of everyone else!

They’ve been at this for two years in Las Vegas and eight years in Mexico. It’s like this. Government guys are not getting the intel they want or are hoping for because I am NOT an intelligence source. I am a victim and witness. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies get intel on my victim case because bad guys come after me, and unfortunatly find me everywhere I go and I report it to law enforcement. Someone who is considered to be a intelligence source is a bad guy who hangs out with other bad guys and gives up information on them to the government. That is NOT me. I work my ass off night and day to stay away from them and have been doing just that for 20 verifiable and provable years. Get it right.

Everyday I wake up and say my life sucks, all these bad guys are coming after me and I hate it and what can I do today to make my life better? The answer is always the same. I need a shitload of money because I need to keep moving and frequent travel costs a lot of money. And yes…the Iranian ex-boyfriend illegal alien and his dam country Iran caused all of this fucking mess!



I’ve been attacked in VICE Honey Traps since the minute I stepped out of the Ft. Lauderdale airport two years ago…and believe me they are motivated to arrange a boyfriend or marriage. I’ve thwarted off tons of Honey Traps, arranged boyfriends/marriages attempts just this past week here in Las Vegas. Enough is a enough!

If you have experience in national security stuff, like maybe you’re a military guy who actually caught or killed terrorists over in the middle east, and get the fact that a ex-boyfriend that ICE can’t deport to Iran and is still in the United States causing national security havoc and hell then do me a huge favor and help me get rid of the ex-boyfriend’s latest asset, the VICE squad. Buy some porn today, right now and help me loose the problem.


I’m totally convinced that a ex-boyfriend sicked the VICE squad after me, because ICE is looking for him, and I’m in a victim program by ICE. So VICE is the ex-boyfriends revenge.

VICE does simple stuff  and a ex-boyfriend from Iran whom ICE is having immense trouble deporting is way over the head of VICE. So I’ve got to loose rapidly them. One Special Ops military guy visiting Las Vegas suspects that the Iranian government might actually being giving the ex-boyfriend a lot of money to be here in the United States. None of that would surprise me…this fucking asshole gets away with everything. Stick around and here this whole 20 year national security nightmare..

Like I’ve got to loose the VICE squad, TODAY, so if you buy one or more porn memberships from the choices below, I get a commission. I should get paid the commission directly from the porn site company within 60-90 days of your purchase which will get VICE out of my hair forever!

Like I have REAL national security safety issues to worry about with this asshole ex-boyfriend and his entourage of shithead friends and right now VICE’s Honey Traps are really getting in the way of things…and stressing me the hell out.

To help me get rid of the VICE squad, loose the Honey Traps and likely foil a plot by the Iranian ex-boyfriend who’s wanted by ICE, choose from the three porn sites below. Just click on my links/buttons and go to the site and make the purchase. Thanks a TON for helping me get rid of a big problem!

my goal: 2,000 90-day life selector memberships and 3,000 yearly porn site memberships 

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